Scientific Anglers Vest Pack Assortment

- Producător: Scientific Anglers
- Cod produs: FFO00785
- Disponibilitate: Out Of Stock
- 120,00 Lei
Etichete: scientific, anglers, vest, pack, assortment, tools
We have a confession: you don’t have to use the Vest Pack Assortment with a vest. It works just as well with a pack, but we’ve been calling it the Vest Pack Assortment forever, so the name just stuck. Includes a handy retractor, a pair of serrated-jaw forceps, a hardened steel nipper, and a good, old-fashioned leader straightener.
- Retractor stretches to 15” and pin-back attaches easily to shirt, vest, or pack
- Forceps lock securely in three positions; serrated jaws grasp securely
- Nipper made of hardened steel, stays sharp, and can quickly clear hook eyes
- Leader Straightener eliminates coils